I'm going to have to think about that one for a second ... I'm sure there're a bunch of things that CAN'T be sponsored (..but then again, I pretty much only think about things that can. And should!)
But the reason for this query being the topic of today's blog is that it's the question that popped into my mind yesterday when I sat down for breakfast with an interesting gentleman that had recently had his first book published. He was in town doing a speaking engagement and had just finished up a round of radio interviews. Things are really happening for him – and it couldn't happen to nicer man.
Bob's book is entitled: "The Power of WHO!" and it's an excellent read! He'll do well with this – and in fact, already has. He's been making TONS of speaking appearances, consults and Keynote presentations. He was just on the Today Show ... things are really taking off.
But I couldn't help but think -- as much money as he's realizing selling books and making presentations – I suspect he's leaving a sizeable fortune on the table by not seeking out sponsorship partners!
His speaking presentations should be sponsored – he's got a great topic in a "category" that's wide-open for all kinds of different underwriters.
I absolutely LOVE speakers and writers ... and I especially love Speaker/Writers! (Or is that Writer/Speakers…?!) I can't think of too many of these folks that ever scratch the surface of sponsorship. Probably because it never occurs to them! It should...
Think about it – how attractive would it be for a speaker/writer to give, as a "gift" for all of the attendees in a presentation ... a FREE copy of his/her latest book? Even better if she (or he..) autographed it. I know. I know what you speaker/writers are thinking: "Yeah – easy for YOU to say Seaver ... it's not YOUR money being spent here on buying all these 'FREE' copies to give away!"
And a lot of meeting promoters probably won't be too wild about being asked to pony up an extra x-thousands of dollars to give everyone in the audience a “FREE” copy of your latest book. (Especially if they’re already out-of-pocket for your speaking fee and expenses..)
So why not let a SPONSOR be the “hero” here? Let a third-party company underwrite the cost of giving everyone in your audience a "FREE" copy of your book! (Just remember to factor the incremental cost of having to buy all these extra books into the price of your sponsorship..)
And rather than have to redesign the book's cover to get the sponsor's logo incorporated ... simply have a quantity of peel-off "Compliments of (sponsor's name/logo)" stickers printed up and slap them (attractively) on your book's cover.
Now don't just leave it at slapping sponsor logo on books and you think you're done. Far from it. If your sponsor has stepped up, be sure to incorporate their logo on your signage, your wardrobe, in your opening/closing remarks (..and where you can, work a story or two featuring your sponsor into your presentation).
This works out great for your sponsor, the audience loves it ... and the biggest winner is ... YOU! Not only do you get your book out there (..and folks talking about you), but you have a wonderful "thank you for coming" present for everyone. (Guaranteed to get folks leaving on a "high")
But to this, you get your premiums paid for, you charge MORE than the price of the books as part of your over-all sponsorship package (which equals incremental revenue), but think about it ... most authors get paid a piece of every book sold (..and you've just helped yourself out nicely there), PLUS the more copies of the book that you move, the higher the advance you can charge on your NEXT "soon-to-be-bestseller". Publishers love books that sell – and you'll be doing MORE than your part to assure that, right?!
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