Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why YOU Might Want to Consider Becoming a Sponsor...

You know ...before I completely "unplug" from my little mini-series here spinning off of my recent GKIC InfoSUMMIT "experience", I wanted to put together a few paragraphs about why YOU might want to consider sponsoring an event, conference, trade association, newsletter or other such suitable-match event, program or speaking tour...

For one thing --- keep forefront in mind that event/conference sponsoring is still very much virgin territory.

I say that after fully acknowledging that – according to IEG (www.sponsorship.com), (...the international clearinghouse of all things sponsorship-related), meeting and event sponsorship is one of the hottest new categories in the sponsorship-world. While I have no doubt that this is true ... meetings/events are still a relatively untapped component of the sponsorship world.

That said, it's not very likely that you'll be running into a NASCAR-type wall of competing sponsors when you consider sponsoring a meeting, event or newsletter. (In fact, it's FAR more likely that you'll be the only sponsor of the targeted meeting or group!)

Reason being that most folks putting on meetings, events, association gatherings, teleseminars, sales retreats ...you name it... haven't even considered looking for sponsors. They're oblivious to the wonderful world of sponsorship!

Fortunately for you, their lack of sponsorship sophistication can easily be put to your great advantage...

Advantage #1they won't have any idea what to charge you. If you walked up to your average meeting planner and told them that you'd have an interest in sponsoring their group's event – they'd probably look at you as if you were speaking some sort of a foreign language! They'd probably stammer around a bit and then ask you what you thought a sponsorship of their event would be worth. So beat them to the punch – come up with your own price and put it right up front in your offer. Aim low. To them, every dime you give them is "found money" ... so anything you offer them is a bonus!

Advantage #2they won't have any idea what to GIVE you. Going hand-in-glove with the first advantage, most meeting planners have no idea what's expected of them in return for your investment. So tell them what you want. And be specific. The less difficult you make it for them to understand the "transaction", the easier it will be for them to agree.

I could go on ... but hopefully you get the idea? We spend so much of our time here at the "Brought to you By…" System discussing how you can sell sponsorships ... I wanted to make sure that I didn't overlook how downright reasonable it's going to be for the next few years to BUY sponsorships to the right meetings, events & publications out there that ideally target your market.

Good luck!

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